School Development

Welcome to the 2024 school year at St John the Apostle Primary School.

After such an exciting year in teaching and learning as part of the Catalyst professional learning program last year we’re really looking forward helping our students to achieve their very best in 2024!

Acts 2:1-4

'Filled with the Spirit'

Throughout 2024 we will join Archbishop Prowse in the exploration of what it means to be ‘Filled with the Spirit’. We will use the story of Pentecost, a story of when the disciples first came together following the death and ascensions of Jesus. At Pentecost the Holy Spirit came to them and brought forth their gifts. They became a community with a shared purpose, going into the world and spreading the good news of God's love for all.

2025_theme.jpgPainting by Stephanie Stewart, REC

Our Strategic Plan 2024-2026 identifies three main teaching & learning focus areas for development over the coming year. Our goals are:

We know our students

Every student achieves their potential

Students have expert teachers

Students growth aand development is driven by deep care for and an inclusive understanding of each student's needs.

Our teaching and learning model is informed by evidence based teaching practices aligned with robust data collection and analysis
that identifies student achievement and need.

Students gain deep and powerful understandings and skills through engagement in a coherent, rich and sequenced curriculum leading
to mastery, creative thinking and collaboration

To read more about our work this year and into the future please view our Strategic Plan 2024-2026 seen below.

Outdoor Learning Environment Masterplan

Below is the Concept Design for our Outdoor Learning Environment Masterplan. Please take a moment to view it and provide some feedback for the final planning phase. While we have completed many aspects of this plan, we constinue to strive to provide the best possible outdoor learning experinces for our students.

Ongoing School Development

St John the Apostle Primary School is always striving to provide the best possible educational outcomes for its students and families. 

To do this our staff and parent community, represented by the Community Council, undertake the annual cycle of improvement and review undertaken by all Catholic systemic schools to develop a clear vision and path to achieve our aspirations. Our strategic work and intentions are reflected in our Strategic Plans, Annual Improvement Plans and Annual Reports.